Duplicity backups to Backblaze B2 (Linux)

Duplicity backups to Backblaze B2 (Linux)

PROBLEM: I would like to backup files to the cloud.
SOLUTION: Pick Backblaze B2 with awesome pricing.

1.0 Create Application Key

Using official guide – https://help.backblaze.com/…Account-ID-and-Application-Key
Backblaze has a very easy and intuitive interface, so I bet you don’t need any guide to do it 🙂

2.0 Connection String

You should substitute real keys with variables, just to make the string more flexible. E.g.:

3.0 – Duplicity

3.1 Backup

Using Duplicity to Backblaze is very simple! You just need to generate GPG key (GUIDE: https://help.github.com/…/generating-a-new-gpg-key/). And I put the key ID as a variable $GPG_KEY. And here we go!

Duplicity makes incremental backup on the top of the full backup. So every time you run this command you will increment the first full backup.

3.2 Restore

Restore is very similar to backup. The string is almost the same.

So in my case:

And that is it! You can create a CRON rule to run backups on a regular basis or anything you’d like to!

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