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Using Gmail with Custom Domain at No Cost

Using Gmail with Custom Domain at No Cost

I like Gmail, but sometimes I have to use the email under the different domain and I do not want to integrate my domain with google ecosystem (G-Suite). I tried to use SMTP + POP3 integration but after some DDoS attacks to smaller mail servers some of Google IPs were blacklisted and I was unable to use this integration more. So I found another way how to fix this. -1. Create Gmail of you do not have one I assume…

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ls -la output explanation

ls -la output explanation

Show files ls Will provide basic overview of files and folders present in the directory

Show files with details ls -l With file / folder details

Show hidden files ls -la Will show hidden files with . prefix

Output exmplanation

Bonus Running this command will add alias ll to run ls -la where this shortcut is not present yet.