Duplicity backups to Backblaze B2 (Linux)
PROBLEM: I would like to backup files to the cloud. SOLUTION: Pick Backblaze B2 with awesome pricing. 1.0 Create Application Key Using official guide – https://help.backblaze.com/…Account-ID-and-Application-Key Backblaze has a very easy and intuitive interface, so I bet you don’t need any guide to do it 🙂 2.0 Connection String
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b2://[account id]:[application key]@[B2 bucket name] |
You should substitute real keys with variables, just to make the string more flexible. E.g.:
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export ACC_ID="00011112223aaa" export APP_KEY="AAABBBCCCDDD000" b2://$account_ID:$application_key@my-fav-bucket/folder/ |
3.0 – Duplicity 3.1 Backup Using Duplicity to Backblaze is very simple! You just need to generate…