Connecting the Raspberry Pi Zero W/WH to WiFi

Recently I bought a Raspberry Pi Zero WH, and I wanted to connect it to my WiFi, but first 5 guides from Google were not working well, so I wanted to share the approach I used using `raspi-config`.

0. Get ready Raspbian on the Pi

And connect to it using ethernet or plug in the monitor to it via HDMI.

1. Get ready SSH

You can do this using `sudo raspi-config` (5. Interfacing options/P2 SSH) or using

sudo systemctl enable ssh
sudo systemctl start ssh

Default credentials
username: pi
password: raspberry

2. Run `sudo raspi-config`

Select `2. Network Options` / `N2 WiFi` and provide with country you live in*, SSID and password to your WiFi.

*this is neccessary because of different frequencies used across countries/continents.

3. Getting the IP



You can find IP in your RPi under `wlan0`.